Joyce and Beckett, 2018: pencil, photoshop

Last year I borrowed a Cintiq from my friend Barry Deutsch and started learning how to use it. One of the exercises I assigned myself was to ink and color in Photoshop a sketch drawn in pencil. I chose James Joyce and Samuel Beckett, because at the time I was reading Ulysses and had watched a documentary of Beckett and a filmed version of Krapp’s Last Tape. I meant to do much more on it, but got distracted by working on the pages of Fetch you have seen so far, plus other real world problems. I like how this turned out, anyway, and today, while reading about how the Nobel Prize committee had reservations about awarding Beckett the prize in literature in 1968 (they gave him one in 1969, despite holding the same reservations about his pessimism), I realized I had not posted it here. Derp. Well, here it is! I hope you like it.

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