Archive for geach-curlew
All the Ails That Cure Us — Page 12
All the Ails That Cure Us — Page 5
Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands. I have fallen behind posting new pages despite having kept up on them. The election has been really distracting. I apologize for that. This week’s page will be posted soon.
All the Ails That Cure Us — Page 4
All the Cures That Ail Us — Page 32
So ends the sixth chapter. The next chapter will start pretty soon, because the cover and the first page are already in the bag. I have been so busy at work I have been delayed in posting finished pages here.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Everyone could use a sneaky bastard on their side once in a while. ↓ TranscriptPanel 1: Duncan puts the blade of his ax to Geach’s throat, Geach backed up against a tree. DUNCAN: My scythe?! Where is it? Speak, or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…