A new page of Fetch for the new year.

I would apologize for lateness, but that would be disingenuous. I really enjoyed the time off from my day job and even this, my labor of love. I spent a lot of time with the family, especially that blue-haired kid in this webcomic, Owen. Granted, the real life Owen is no longer blue-haired, and not even a kid — he turned 18 a couple of weeks ago. Now neither of my children is actually a child, making me an old bastard.

Anyway, the time was well spent and I feel recharged. I have some hopes in my personal life for this year, but I really hope in general we stop being dumbasses about this pandemic and do what we need to do to care for each other.

And stop making more variants. FFS.

↓ Transcript
PANEL ONE: Owen looks upset, Fetch looks desperate. Fiona stands behind them, scoffing.

OWEN: Take me home, Fetch. Change me back to my old clothes and let’s go.
FETCH: Uh, sorry, Owen. Not now. You saw that army. These people will be slaughtered.
FIONA: Bollocks.

PANEL 2: Fiona points to the refugees. Greek and zombie heroes drink from a barrel of ale. Among them is Fernis, who hears Fiona speak.

FIONA: We’ve an undead army of our own, y’know. Battle hardened on the fields of Hades and Elysium. They died warriors in the human world and kept on fighting.

PANEL 3: Fiona approaches them, followed by Fetch. Fernis stands at the head of the group of heroes.

FIONA: Oy, you lot! Finvarra sent an undead army against us. Who wants to fight?
FETCH: No, listen! They’re monstrous! We’ve got to evacuate the children!

PANEL 4: Fernis and the heroes debate the issue. Fiona and Fetch watch.

FERNIS: Have we not seen enough war?
WARRIOR: There can never be enough!
ZOMBIE PEASANT: Easy for you to say! You don’t have babies to feed! We’d be mad to go against Finvarra.

PANEL 5: Fiona turns to Fetch.

FIONA: You know what this means…
FETCH: Oh no.

PANEL 6: Cut to Fiona standing at the center of a gathering of all the refugees, Fetch and Fernis are nearby, Owen in his ordinary clothes stands with Knob and Pooka

FIONA: Order! Order! The democratic congress of the Free Unseelie Collective of Klippe is now in session!

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