
I apologize for the lateness of this post. I had it ready to go last week, but became to distracted by IRL matters that I forgot to make a simple post. In effect, last week’s page is now this week’s page, and this week’s intended update it coming next week. Fortunately that should appear on a regularly scheduled Wednesday.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: The party comes down a hill covered in patches of ice and snow. Above them the moon rises amid purple streaks of clouds.

Panel 2: The party huddles by a campfire with the moon overhead. Bridget studies the map while Brian roasts marshmallows. Owen watches as Fetch casts a counter spell to disenchant a protein bar. Pooka shares his whiskey with Corky.

BRIDGET: Good news: the closer we get to your da’s swamp, the warmer it gets.
BRIAN: Bad news: we’re still another day out from getting there.
FETCH: Tada! Dinner’s served, Owen!
OWEN: Mm, yummy. Protein bar.
POOKA: All Corky and I need is some whiskey and carrots. Ain’t that right, Corky, my lad?

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