I really enjoy landscapes and detailed settings. I think it shows. I don’t like how much this competes with the other things I’m obligated to do on an average day. What do you mean I have to make dinner? Shower? Sleep?! Stupid meat machine requires so much maintenance. Not to mention my heart and mind and, I dunno…soul? I think I believe in such a thing. Anyway, this is all a terrible way to apologize for the lateness of this latest entry.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Geach Curlew – the stranger from the tavern – walks through a Winter Court bog. He’s a silhouette in the background, stepping over muddy patches, making his way through vine wrapped, knotty trees, heading toward a small creek flowing through the marshes.

GEACH: Yeugh. Bogs! Why live in a bog? You'd think a mythic legend like the red cap could petition for more hospitable climes.
Why not a beach? A tropical island? A condo in dubai??
Sigh. Condos. Mag mell could've been something.
Damned @#%! Anarchists!

Panel 2: Close up of Geach treading carefully through the mire.

GEACH: No, no. Don't get distracted. The scythe. His boy has his scythe.
If I can Just find the red cap, I can -

Panel 3: Duncan Blackwood, running through the muck, swings an axe at Geach, who ducks his head in time.

DUNCAN: This bog I’ll defend!Heeeraaahh!!

Panel 4: Duncan glares at his axe, while Geach nervously gestures as if to propose something.

DUNCAN: Hurrgh.Stupid, bloody axe. I've seen better balance on a drunken warthog.
If I had me scythe, you'd be meat slurry right now.
GEACH: Yes! The scythe! I can help you with that!

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