Everyone could use a sneaky bastard on their side once in a while.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Duncan puts the blade of his ax to Geach’s throat, Geach backed up against a tree.

DUNCAN: My scythe?! Where is it? Speak, or I’ll mince yeh for a stew!
GEACH: It’s on its way, Mr. Blackwood! I saw it meself with me own eyes! In your son’s hands!
DUNCAN: My son? Explain. And be quick.
GEACH: Ahem. Yes.

Panel 2: Close up of Geach.

GEACH: Call me Geach Curlew, your humble servant.
The other night at the Last Stop Inn I came across some strangers playing pool.
One of them, a tall lanky lad with fiery hair and a red hoodie, bragged his da was a Red Cap and he’d nicked his scythe.

Panel 3: Close up of Duncan, looking a bit stunned at this news. Geach looks at him more knowingly than warily.

DUNCAN: Bragged his da…?
GEACH: One of his party called him, “Brian.” Claims he wants to be a healer.

Panel 4: Duncan’s eyes widen, Geach smiles, confident he has Duncan’s favor.

DUNCAN: Healer?
GEACH: They’re heading this way now: the lad, his pixie girlfriend, a cat, a blue haired human, and the Pooka.
I think they’re seeking liverwort for some potion.

Panel 5: Duncan turns to Geach.

DUNCAN: Well done, Mr. Curlew. You can keep your head.
In fact, a sneaky little bastard like you could prove to be useful.
GEACH: Oh, yessir! I’m the sneakiest bastard you could ever use!

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