Okay, I admit … I am pretty happy with how that first panel turned out.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: The entrance to the Red Cap’s Bog, marked by a weather beaten sign and a trail marked by wooden planks leading into a frozen marsh of icy waters and thick snow covered grasses. Dark trees loom in the background.

SIGN: Red Cap’s Bog - Trespass at the cost of yer throat

Panel 2: Brian foreground, smirking. Owen and Fetch behind him, Bridgette hovers overhead, and Pooka and Corky stand in the background.

BRIAN: Welcome to my home.
OWEN: Dang.

Panel 3: Fetch and Owen carefully balance themselves as they walk on the uncertain wood path.

OWEN: So, Fetch … about that warding spell.
FETCH: Yeah, I don’t know why it didn’t work. I used the right words, I had a coin…

Panel 4: Pooka leads Corky behind Owen and Fetch.

POOKA: Ya said it all wrong. The spell is “slige TUR-tar gleansach” – the Ulster dialect. You used Munster - like a bloody tourist.

Panel 5: Fetch and Pooka are in each other’s faces. Owen sits down, elbows on knees and face in hands, next to Corky.

FETCH: Ulster, Munster – so what? Dialect doesn’t matter! It’s the words!
POOKA: Maybe in your beloved human land, but this is fae territory, mate!
OWEN: Rest your legs, Corky. This will take awhile.

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