Let sleeping gods lie. As Pooka should know from his Mythopedia entry he’s a heavier player than one you can summon merely for a warding spell.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Pooka hands Owen a coin.

POOKA: Here, I’ll show ya. Owen, take this coin and repeat after me.
Mind how I say it: “Slige turtar gleansach.”
OWEN: Okay.

Panel 2: Owen closes her eyes and grips the coin. Pooka winces.

Owen: Sleeeeg tuuur-tar glinsick
POOKA: A little rough, but …It’ll do.

Panel 3: Lightning flashes, striking the ground in front of them. Dagda appears, a large bearded god wielding a large club. He wears pajamas and looks annoyed.

DAGDA: Yawwwn. Who dares disturb my nap?

Panel 4: Pooka approaches Dagda, who glares at him. Fetch grabs the coin from Owen’s hand.

POOKA: Dagda! Great to see you!
DAGDA: Oh, Pooka. Of course. What now?
FETCH: Dagda? Let me see that coin!
OWEN: Who?

Panel 5: Pooka happily introduces. Owen looks at Dagda warily. Fetch examines Pooka’s coin.

POOKA: Owen, meet Dagda, a god of life, death, seasons, agriculture, and most importantly for your sake –
OWEN: Um, nice to meet you.
DAGDA: Indeed.

Panel 6: Dagda pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. Pooka is humbled. Fetch is outraged. Owen is a bit confused.

DAGDA: Pooka, get me some @%#! Coffee.
POOKA: Yessir.
FETCH: It’s just a subway token!

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