The pronoun discrepancy in panel 4 is no typo. Tune in for next week’s page update to see how that develops.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Dagda scrutinizes Owen, who looks nervous.

DAGDA: Hm. Mm-hm. Yes. I see. Human?
OWEN: Yes, uh, sir.

Panel 2: Pooka hands Dagda a cup of coffee. Dagda takes it while keeping his eyes on Owen.

POOKA: Your coffee, sir.
DAGDA: What brings you to the Otherworld, child?
OWEN: Fetch brought me.

Panel 3: Dagda gives Fetch the side-eye over the brim of his cup as he drinks. Fetch beams with pride as Pooka looks on.

DAGDA: Oh, did he?
FETCH: Yep. Left a changeling behind, too. Old school.

Panel 4: Dagda folds his arms, eyeing Fetch, skeptically. Fetch looks horrified. Owen and Pooka look on.

DAGDA: Are you going to eat Owen? Enthrall her?
FETCH: What? No! I’m showing him around! He’s under my protection.

Panel 5: Dagda looks exasperated, Fetch sheepish, Pooka delighted, Owen polite.

DAGDA: Then what do you need me for?!
FETCH: I’m … I’m not very good at it.
POOKA: Abysmal.
OWEN: I could use the help.

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