Thick woods, a road in disrepair, red skies, and demonic faeries devouring human corpses — could be upstate Michigan; but no, it’s the Autumn Court.

In my reading I have come across references to red as a magical color in the faerie realms, including descriptions of red skies or red-orange clouds. I don’t know what the red signifies, honestly. Some say wizards see it as a color of control, or that the fae like to wear red caps and shirts, or that it might be the color of blood. Recent pulp fiction set in the Otherworld often describes skies filled with reddish clouds. For me I think it is a good visual cue that you are not in the human realm of experience with blue skies. You are somewhere else, and the laws of physics need not apply here.

Still, it is wise to get around the faerie realms in a sensible fuel-efficient car. No fool, our Tara.

↓ Transcript
Fetch and Tara in the car. Forest in background. Eyes glare from the dark recesses.

TARA: How long are you back in town?
FETCH: I dunno. I don’t have any clear plans. I need a break.

Just the car as it enters the highway. Road is cracked and potholed, like an unimproved rural route in Michigan. A spidery elf feasts on a human bound to a tree.

FETCH: The human world has gone haywire. The politics are toxic. It was bad when I got there, but at least I could have a little fun. Now it just makes me sick.

Fetch and Tara in the car.

TARA: So you seek respite here? In a world of demons, monsters, and malevolent faeries?
FETCH: Better than Nazis, MAGAheads and incels.

Back of car, their heads visible through rear windshield.

TARA: “Incels”?
FETCH: You don’t want to know.

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