Family is a lot to deal with, especially on a hangover.

↓ Transcript
Fetch gets a towel from the bathroom sink while Morrigan complains off-panel.

MORRIGAN: What time is it? Almost ten?! Where have you been?!
I’m going to miss my shows!
TARA: Ma, relax.

Morrigan kvetches, Tara takes the towel while handing Fetch the tray of cold food.

MORRIGAN: I will not relax! You stick me in this @#%* bed all day and night.
Nothing to do. At least let me watch my shows. Is that too much?
TARA: Here, take this to Molly and get something fresh.

Fetch goes to the kitchen to find Molly cleaning the bedpan. Morrigan still heard off-panel complaining, but not as loud.

FETCH: So, is there any food?
MOLLY: I’ve made a right mess, I have!
Stupid Molly, always messin’ things up.
Bless your mam’s soul she ain’t kicked me to the curb.
What I deserve, don’t I know it.

MORRIGAN: Ach! Is that sandpaper? Are you trying to kill me, girl?!
TARA: Hold still!

Fetch, looking anxiously toward the bedroom, starts to help Molly clean up. Tara and Morrigan heard off-panel.

FETCH: Here, let me help you.
MOLLY: Well, aren’t you kind?
TARA: Fetch! Get in here!
MORRIGAN: Help! Tara wants me dead!

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