For those who don’t know or whose memories are foggy on the regions of Hades, according to Greek mythology, they are as follows.

Asphodel Meadows: where the ordinary person goes after they die. Apparently it is a rather pleasant place. Lots of flowers that smell nice. Unless you read The Odyssey, which makes it looks gloomy and sad and terrible.

Elysian Plain (Elysium): this section is reserved only for heroes and people chosen by the gods, or related to them. If you’re a righteous person, you’ll end up here, too. Very petite-bourgeois.

Tartarus: where all the bad folk go to get a whoopin’, as my grandmother would have put it. 

As you may recall, in this story Hades is currently suffering a civil war started when Tantalus seized Tartarus and waged war against the other regions. Every war has its refugees, and many have come to Fetch’s house, joining the unseelie fae displaced by gentrification.

Rough times in the realm of myth as in our more prosaic reality.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Knob and Fetch walk through the tents and lean-tos. Refugees are cooking, resting, playing games.

KNOB: It’s a mixed lot. They come from all over the Underworld: Tartarus, Asphodel Meadows, even Elysium. The war keeps spreading, driving them out. They wind up here.

Panel 2: Fetch looks at Knob, and Greek Hero, a refugee, approaches.

FETCH: I’m confused. Shouldn’t they all be walking corpses or ghosts?
HERO: Now that’s just ignorant!

Panel 3: Greek Hero thumps his chest. Undead refugee behind him.

HERO: In my day I was a hero! An olympian! I threw the discus so far, officials had to ride a chariot to find it! I’m no zombie!
ZOMBIE: Excuse me?!

Panel 4: Zombie confronts Greek Hero, who wrinkles his nose.

ZOMBIE: You maya been a hero in life, but now you’re dead — same as me!
HERO: Ecch! Then a shower wouldn’t kill you!

Panel 5: Zombie offended, a Satyr gets between him and the Hero.

ZOMBIE: No, you didn’t!
SATYR: Hey, hey! No need to fight now, guys. Let’s take a breath.
HERO: A hero never backs down!

Panel 6: Fetch and Knob watch

FETCH: Great. Bring the civil war to my house.
KNOB: I’ll get Fiona.

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