Now you know whom to blame for wasting half a day on the phone waiting for someone who will transfer you to another department and drop the call.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Tara and Fetch in the car pass through parts of the faerie land. Giant rotting bridge in silhouette.

FETCH: I was fine until she said I wasn’t a “proper faerie.” Whatever the hell that is.
TARA: Who knows? She gives me the same business.
I tell her there’s nothing more fae-like than running a customer service hotline. But she’s so old fashioned!

PANEL 2: Fetch and Tara

FETCH: A hotline? With phone menu trees and endless hold music?
TARA: Yeah. Don’t you know what I do?

PANEL 3: Tara close up.

TARA: I manage customer service for a health insurance company. Before that I did telemarketing for reverse mortgages. I’m thinking of push-polling for political campaigns.

PANEL 4: Fetch and Tara

FETCH: Jeez, sis. Why not work for a collection agency, too?
TARA: Ew! No! Do I look like the devil?

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