I honestly can’t remember if this creature is from Irish or Scottish folklore, or if  I just made it up. I know there are “spider elves” in WOW, but that’s not what inspired this; I don’t play WOW, and I only know they exist because I looked them up after this character occurred to me. Other fantasy based RPG and video games have some kind of spider monster. And fear of spiders is very commonplace. So maybe that’s where I got the idea. FWIW this creature is way less creepy than what I had imagined, and now that I look at it, that’s probably because the color choices I used look more Spider-Man than I intended. 

Celtic folklore tends to view the spider as a helpful critter, according to the Living Library. Yet even here there is a rather terrifying story about a spider attacking children. I feel like my instincts are good here.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Fetch looks up and points, Owen follows his gesture

FETCH: I can see you’re not easily impressed. But take a closer look at the trees.

PANEL 2: Owen’s POV looking up at tree branches full of leaves.

OWEN: They’re very pretty, but—

PANEL 3: Same POV. Sinister eyes pop out of the shadows.


PANEL 4: Owen looking concerned, Fetch nonchalant. A Spider-elf head pokes from a tree behind Fetch.

OWEN: Are you sure I’m safe here?
FETCH: Oh, sure! Stick with me. You’ll be fine.

PANEL 5: Owen points at Spider-elf. Fetch looks behind him. Spider-elf is big.

OWEN: What about that?
SPIDER-ELF: Juicy teen boy? You shouldn’t have.

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