These sheep are a real problem. But they should not be confused with the color-changing sheep Peredur comes across in the Mabinogion. They might have more in common with Thomas More’s “carnivorous sheep” in Utopia or maybe Polyphemus’ herd of sheep in The Odyssey and Greek myth (at least as understood by Rick Riordan). But in the end my inspiration might have been Wallace and Gromit.

↓ Transcript
PANEL ONE: Fetch becomes decisive again. Blodwen shrugs.
FETCH: Whatever. Buying mom a chance to save her life is worth facing a feeding frenzy of carnivorous sheep.
BLODWEN: You’re brave, I’ll give you that. Get the flower, I’ll do what I can.
TARA: I’ll talk to mom.

PANEL 2: Tara leans over to Morrigan, who looks annoyed as usual. Owen sits on the couch next to her.
TARA: Mom? The Druid thinks she might have a cure for your cancer.
MORRIGAN: So what’s the holdup? Do it already!

PANEL 3: Tara is uneasy explaining to Morrigan, who scoffs.
TARA: Not yet. We need a special flower in Wales. It’s surrounded by a dangerous herd of sheep.
MORRIGAN: That’s ridiculous.

PANEL 4: Tara looks concerned, Morrigan grumpy.
TARA: No, it’s a real risk. There are many risks. And no guarantee it will work. You might end up worse off than before.
MORRIGAN: Worse? Impossible. This pain is unbearable.

PANEL 5: Morrigan thinks grumpily about all of this.

PANEL 6: View from over Morrigan’s shoulder as she speaks to the room. Fetch beams confidently. Tara and Owen look on.
MORRIGAN: Let’s do it. Give me a shred of hope.
FETCH: Great! I will set off for Wales ASAP!

PANEL 7: Morrigan grouses, Tara scolds, Fetch rolls his eyes, and Owen leans in, confused.
MORRIGAN: So much for that shred.
OWEN: Uh, where are we going?

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