The sky is looking more pink today, which in the Otherworld might be bright and sunny.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Fetch and Owen approach a country road. In the background are ruined castles.

FETCH: Stay with me, you’ll be fine. You can eat my food, because I relinquish power over you.
OWEN: Okay, thank — I mean, uh, cool.
FETCH: Well done.

PANEL 2: Owen looks at the sky, Fetch pontificates.

OWEN: Weird. Why is the sky red?
FETCH: Uh. Some say we’re in perpetual twilight, the liminal space between day and night, the “real” world and the realm of magic.

PANEL 3: On the road. Fetch is confident, Owen eager to learn magic.

FETCH: Remember: The Fae are not just a different kind of people. The otherworld is a different reality. Where your world obeys the laws of physics, our world obeys the laws of magic.
OWEN: Neat. What are they?

PANEL 4: Fetch fumbles for words, Owen annoyed.

FETCH: Er… The laws of magic? Well… There’s … um ...
OWEN: You don’t know, do you? How can you teach me magic?

PANEL 5: Fetch pouting, Owen rolling his eyes.

FETCH: Hey, I don’t know the physics of riding a bike, but I can teach you to ride one.
OWEN: I didn’t come here to ride bikes.

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