In Contempt

In Contempt was a weekly political comic strip I drew from 2000 until 2010. It appeared in The Skanner, Z Magazine, the Portland Alliance, and several other publications. There are two print publications that collect these strips, Collateral Damage (2002) and Hope, Change and All That Crap (2009); other strips and an interview with me appear in Ted Rall’s ATTITUDE 2: The New Subversive Alternative Cartoonists (2004).
In Contempt Archive
I am currently re-posting In Contempt strips on the anniversary of their original publication in an online archive. Some of this stuff has not been online for at least 15 years. I will also start archiving my political cartoons from before and after the strip’s run, including some stuff that originally appeared here. Each post will include historical background on the issues addressed by the strip and discussion of how they connect to the present day. To republish any of the strips you see in the collection, please contact me.
In Print

Hope, Change, And All That Crap
$15.00 U.S.
Paperback, 108 pages, ISBN: 9780557053278
2008 packed a lot of history. Bush’s last days, the divisive Democratic primaries, the ridiculous Republican primaries, Sarah Palin, the waterboarding of civil liberties, endless war(s), an economy built on hot air, Obama’s glib equivocations — these and other good times are treated the only way cartoonist Kevin Moore knows how: with contempt.
Features a wild and hilarious introduction by Ted Rall.
Collateral Damage
$2.00 U.S.
Paperback, 16 pages.
Self-published in 2002, Collateral Damage collects the best strips from the tumultuous year of 2001. Want a refresher on how our society got so bogged down in war, domestic spying, invading countries, and all that wonderful stuff? This book should do it in an entertaining fashion. (Currently unavailable for sale online. I’m working that out. TBA.)