Yes, we were humming along nicely for a couple of weeks, keeping to our regular production schedule. But then I received a couple of commissions. The good news is that in this time of financial constraint — brought on by the loss of one of my jobs, a third of my income — I had work that would bring in some much needed moolah. That side effect is a delay in working on the latest installment of Fetch in Otherworldly Goods. For that I apologize. I appreciate y’all’s patience and understanding. I reckon everyone is dealing with something right now that is putting them off their regular routine, at the least. I hope y’all are safe and secure. Remember, be kind not only to others, but to yourself, too.

Speaking of commissions, one of them is live. Christine Monnier wrote up a list of The Rules of Zoom that she asked me to illustrate. I really enjoyed that project, as I so often do with previous work Christine as commissioned. (For example, you can find a gallery of caricatures I did of famous Cranky Sociologists here.)

New Fetch page should appear here and at my Patreon on Thursday. Til then, stay safe, be well.

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