Available via my Gumroad Store

Full color manga-sized collection of the first 20 weekly strips starring Fetch, the demon-cat who haunts my life. Politics and personal problems merge with humor and satire. Special digital edition 30% off cover price.

Shortly after moving into his new apartment, Kevin meets Fetch, a cat who talks. He soon becomes embroiled in Fetch’s scheme to protect the neighborhood stray cats. Consider this an “origin story” of the webcomic. Also includes 16 pages of full color strips published between 2016-2017. This collection is a companion piece with AntiFascist Groove Thang, a collection of strips from the same time period but where the satire is overtly political.

Fetch and Kevin live through the end of the 2016 election and the first year of the Trump administration. The rise of fascism and anti-fascism, resistance politics and the Mueller investigation, the cynicism of the GOP and the weakness of news media — and so much more! Honestly, it’s kinda hilarious if you think about it. Kinda.
Books in Print

Hope, Change and All That Crap
2008 packed a lot of history. Bush’s last days, the divisive Democratic primaries, the ridiculous Republican primaries, Sarah Palin, the waterboarding of civil liberties, endless war(s), an economy built on hot air, Obama’s glib equivocations — these and other good times are treated the only way cartoonist Kevin Moore knows how: with contempt.
- Introduction by Ted Rall
- Foreward by Christopher Baldwin
- Buy it now at Lulu for only $13.32!