I mentioned this in the last update to Fetch last week, but in case you forgot (a problem I often have myself, so no judgement here): I am taking this week off so I can focus on other aspects of my life. And to just give my drawing hand and back a break.
I’ve been finding drawing hard lately. Sometimes it’s physical, but it can be a psychological problem. Like I seem to forget how to draw things I know how to draw. It’s not early onset dementia, but I think it might be the effects of untreated ADHD as I get older. I feel more distracted than ever. It could also be the effects of this prolonged pandemic lock down. Like everyone else I had hoped we were slowly opening up last June, but I think too many people opened up too quickly and too many of them didn’t get vaccinated. So here were are again. Anyway, I am getting treatment soon. I have an appointment with a therapist in November and he’ll likely get me on medication to treat my ADHD.
New medication adjustment imminent! Yay! It’s a party.
Thank you for your support and patience. See you next week!
I have added two new Fetch collections to my Gumroad store: A Saucer of Milk, and AntiFascist Groove Thang. Both are selling for $3.50, 30% off the print cover price. Get one or both today and impress your friends with your good taste in webcomics!
AntiFascist Groove Thang Fetch and Kevin live through the end of the 2016 election and the first year of the Trump administration. The rise of fascism and anti-fascism, resistance politics and the Mueller investigation, the cynicism of the GOP and the weakness of news media — and so much more! Honestly, it’s kinda hilarious if you think about it. Kinda.
Fetch: Saucer of Milk Shortly after moving into his new apartment, Kevin meets Fetch, a cat who talks. He soon becomes embroiled in Fetch’s scheme to protect the neighborhood stray cats. Consider this an “origin story” of the webcomic. Also includes 16 pages of full color strips published between 2016-2017. This collection is a companion piece with AntiFascist Groove Thang, a collection of strips from the same time period but where the satire is overtly political.
Can I read it on my Kindle?
Honestly, I don’t know. Currently I am setting up shop at Comixology and I hope to have it ready by the end of August, if not sooner. Amazon runs that service, so the ebooks should be Kindle-friendly.
What about print?
If you are interested in print editions of either or both of these titles, they are sadly not currently available. However I am expecting to have them ready by the middle of August 2021. Stay tuned!
Got any other merch?
Yes, indeed! There is Inner & Outer Demons, the first Fetch collection in print. You can get that, too, at the Gumroad store. I have also added all this info to the Store page on this site, where I plan to add books in print when they are available.
How did we get here? The right wing has identified Critical Race Theory as this week’s Threat Against America and has accused the U.S. military of “wokeness” because it has used this framework to assess the influence of white supremacists among its ranks. Now prominent right wingers are suggesting cutting the defense budget, using “defund the military” as a slogan.
We should be very specific here. It’s not that the right wing has suddenly gone peacenik or anti-imperialism or something that dupes like Glenn Greenwald might imply. Nor did the Pentagon wake up one day and realize the role it has played in imposing white supremacy around the world or in American culture. Rather, the top brass noticed that some of their peers and a few of the rank and file have been complicit in Trumpian attempts to bring about white nationalism, including the January 6th riot on Capitol Hill, where a lot of cops and former service members took part in a coup attempt. Trump himself did as much as he could to place loyalists among the Pentagon chiefs in preparation for the coup, but couldn’t get enough of the military to stand behind him. General Mark Milley, the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, rejects “wokeness” as having any influence on the US military and wants to root out the little fascists who are threatening its credibility.
The white nationalist wing of the GOP and its propaganda outlets are really fighting for control of US military culture. They won’t actually defund the military, and if they did, it would only support more tax cuts. You won’t see any proposals for increased social spending. For decades, since I was a kid during the early years of the Reagan era, I have been arguing against increasing military spending and for using the money to support education, health care, and other parts of our social infrastructure. All along the hawks in both parties, including politicians afraid to look “unpatriotic” have served up militaristic rhetoric along with free market ideology to justify the annual 50% (at least) chunk of our national budget spent on war, official and covert, conducted around the world. No matter what that twit Tucker Carlson says, the GOP and half of the Democratic Party will continue to support this waste of taxpayer dollars while urgent needs exposed by the pandemic are underserved.
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