JKR has a new book under her alternate pen name, Robert Gallbreath or whatever out this week. It’s over a 1,000 pages long. I remember when The Order of the Phoenix arrived in an Anna Karenina page count of 850, but now she’s on to War and Peace. Yet I dunno if she’ll ever reach Tolstoy’s level of literary value. The plot synopsis is basically as described in this comic strip — YouTube cartoonist, Twitter mob murder and all. I made up the character name, though. There’s no “JoJo Rampling” in the novel; the actual characert name is Edie Ledwell, but the author stand-in is too obvious no matter how much she denies it.

Death and rape threats are no joke; no matter how awful JKR is, she doesn’t deserve that. Yet who is actually getting murdered? Trans men and women, usually by men raised on hatred against anyone who defies a strict binary gender code. Let’s not forget doxxing and swatting — which only got notice once it happened to anti-trans troll MGT, whose transphobia I covered in a previous strip. Notably, JKR has accused trans activists of doxxing her, but as NPR notes, Scottish police concluded no crime was involved, especially since her house is a popular tourist attraction. Meanwhile the accused activists faced so much transphobic backlash they deleted their accounts.

JKR has been feeding the rhetoric nonstop for years now, and supports open fascists who share her transphobic views. Her latest novel is another sign how far up her own arse she’s crawled. If she were just some rando, I wouldn’t bother doing a cartoon about her. But she’s an influential figure in popular culture with a wide reach that has become increasingly toxic, hurting millions of her fans along the way.

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