Is it a “tridemic” or a “tripledemic”? Tridemic is simpler and scans like pandemic. Tripledemic is clunky and grates my ears. Tridemic it is.

So a few days ago the CDC finally recommended masking again in the face of a tridemic of Covid, the flu, and RSV. I suppose it’s too much to ask for new mandates, but I’m glad to see at least grocery workers masking again, and a few more customers than usual. I never stopped. I have been fortunate to have avoided Covid throughout this whole pandemic, even as my partner, friends, and coworkers have all contacted it at some point. As someone who can’t get the flu vaccine due to a childhood illness, I’m going to mask up every flu season even if we manage to overcome the coronavirus. I reckon they’ll call me a fool and paranoid. So be it.

I almost started watching “Friends” again the other day. I stopped myself. There are better shows to catch up on, books to read, a guitar sitting there just begging for me to do more than strum it absentmindedly. I don’t know what came over me. My nostalgia for the 90s longs for a return of a vibrant independent cinema, book stores, zines, and record stores. The only sitcom I have ever rewatched from that era is “Seinfeld” whenever I stumble upon a re-run; but I have not deliberately sought it out. I might give “Frasier” another go, because I miss David Hyde Pierce — and apparently so will the reboot. Respect.

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