A new chapter begins: The Summer Court. Fetch will introduce Owen to the ruling hub of the Otherworld and will do his best to protect him. Let’s see how that works out!

Print editions of the two Fetch collections I announced last week are in the works and should be available to order by the middle of August. I have a printer and ordering system getting set up, and it should be seamless and affordable for me and anyone who wants to buy a copy. I’ll make a more formal announcement with specific details when it’s ready to go.

Meanwhile, stay safe, wear a mask even if you’re vaccinated, and if you’re not vaccinated, please get both shots as soon as you can. The delta variant of COVID-19 is surging through unvaccinated populations and spreading to vaccinated people who are chronically ill and/or immunocompromised, even if they are vaccinated. And it’s affecting people under the age of 30, even little kids. This is speaking in a USAmerican context, however; much of the world is still struggling to vaccinate even their front line workers. Why? Because the US has been hogging most of the vaccines, and pharmaceutical companies have dragged their feet in distribution, holding out for profits. The WHO ain’t pleased.

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