We need more epistolary narratives in comics, I say. Text messaging be damned.

My favorite part to draw on this page was the skull. Least favorite? That gate. But I like how it turned out.

I might redo the text to make this more legible. Tara got a little longwinded in dressing down her brother. Wait til you meet her!

↓ Transcript
Leaving Hell, carrying a backpack and a duffel bag, Fetch walks while reading his sister’s letter. He passes by “sinners” in various agonies of torture from weird demons.

I have no idea if this letter will ever get to you, but I have no other contact information and your friends are useless. Where the hell are you? Mom is really ill! The cancer in her intestines is spreading. She’s confined to bed. I could really use your help. I’m doing all the caregiving by myself. Do you think you could tear yourself away from your oh-so important life as a do-nothing and give me a hand?
Mom could die, Fetch. I know you two have not spoken in years, but she’s
your mother! Now is the time when families come together. She needs you.

Fetch reacts to letter while walking through the gates of Hell.

FETCH: Cancer… Huh… Thought it’d be drink…
Find her face down in a puddle or broken neck from a fall...
Been trying to avoid this. Guess now I have no choice.
Tara would never forgive me. Mam, too, but whatever.
Not the forgiving type, she. Bitter. Cold. Angry.
Tara not much better. Deserves better tho.

Fetch enters a white sandy beach along a dark, inky river toward a rotting corpse. Behind it CHARON leans against the back of a vintage wooden jet boat painted like a yellow tax and labeled “Death Cab”. A sign reads “Styx Riverways - your navigator in the world of the dead. Please pay the skull before boarding.”

FETCH: This should be great.

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