Caring for sick parents in the best of families can be hard. In dysfunctional families, there’s an added measure of trauma. So I imagine dysfunctional fae families must come with a psychodrama unfathomable by modern analytical science.

We had a snow day on Tuesday, which threw me off my sense of the calendar, so that’s why I thought yesterday was … Monday? ADHD can be problematic, people. Anyway, that’s why I am posting on a Thursday morning and not the usual Wednesday morning. Sorry!

↓ Transcript
External view of the car as it drives through the countryside. It appears more suburban now.

TARA: Now you’re back I could really use help with mom.
FETCH: Um, yeah. I got your letter.

Fetch overwhelmed by a wall of words.

TARA: She’s bedridden. She needs help getting to the sandbox. Someone has to make her breakfast and dinner, and shop for groceries, and keep her house clean, and change her linens, and wash her bed sores, and a sponge bath and….

Interior of car.

FETCH: Why don’t you hire a nurse?
TARA: We have one. Molly. She’s useless. I’d fire her, but she’s the best I’ve found. Like she doesn’t steal mom’s stuff and sell it on eBay.


TARA: Or try to eat her when she’s sleeping.
FETCH: Sigh. Fairies.

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