I thought I would maintain a more allegorical distance from current events. But Fetch, the strip, is rooted in political commentary and autobiographical detail, eventually I was bound to show, and so were my kids, and so was That Guy. One my main sources of inspiration, Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita was that way, too, so I can live with it.

↓ Transcript
Fetch and Knob drink, while Fiona, the pixies, and Hob play darts.

KNOB: Didja have a good time with them humans?
FETCH: At first, yeah.

Fetch selling bottled urine to naturopathic hippies from a traveling medicine show wagon proclaiming the benefits of drinking urine: cures acne, allergies, cancer, etc.

FETCH narrating: They’re easy marks. So long as they don’t have to think too hard, they’ll buy anything you sell them to solve their problems.
FETCH: You know this isn’t scientifically proven?
NATURE MOM: I don’t need Big Pharma to tell me what’s true!

Fetch muses on Kevin and Owen, Katie, and Finn.

FETCH: I even found a human to befriend. Or pester. Whichever.
Nice guy, a little boring, kinda depressed, but he had cool kids.

Fetch looks over Kevin’s shoulder while he draws.

FETCH: So I hung around. I mocked his guilty conscience. Tweaked his
Neuroses. Teased his politics. Twisted his biases. Purple-nurpled his
Convictions. You know - basic demon stuff.

Fetch imagines Trump’s shadow.

FETCH: Then one day this other guy showed up.

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