We have finally arrived at this scene. I have had this scene in mind since the beginning of conceiving this story. As often happens, the end result looks much different than I had initially imagined it. But I like it.

What’s a wulver? A wolf-like human, or human-like wolf, depending on your POV, that roams the Shetland hills of Scotland. Very much like a werewolf.

Sean isn’t a wulver, tho. He’s a Cu Sith, or black angus (not related to the steak), a faerie dog that can be either black or green in color. I find green ridiculous, so therefore funny. 

According to Scottish Gatherings:

Black Angus: In Scotland they are called Cu Sith which means “faery dog”. It is a large black dog with yellow eyes and sharp fangs who roams the Scottish countryside showing himself to those who will die in a fortnight. When showing himself to bring his message of dying he will cross your path, jump in front of you, then turn and growl. Contact is not advised with this faery and he can provide no ritual help. 

But Scottish Legends provides more details:

In Celtic tradition phantom dogs are usually black, though occasionally white with have red ears.  The Irish Cu Sidhe is describe as being a huge black hound but the Scottish Cu Sith was said to have a wild and shaggy coat of dark green.  Green is associated with ‘fairies’ in Celtic lore and it is named the ‘fairy dog’ and seems to be in league with them.

I think Sean looks like a friendly enough looking fae, good for a pint and a story. Just don’t borrow money from him.

↓ Transcript
Exterior of a scottish pub, the Wulver Heid Inn.
Outside Fetch, Knob, Fiona, her pixies, and Hob approach.

FETCH: Wow, this place. It’s been a long time.

Fetch walks in the door.

FETCH: I wonder if anyone will —

Fetch a little shocked. Hob pokes his head in. SEAN, a black angus (Cu Sith) greets him.

FETCH: — recognize me. Hi, Sean.
SEAN: You still owe me five bucks.
HOB: Oooo! With ten year’s interest!

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