It’s a good thing there is no COVID-19 in the Otherworld. Look at this crowd. No social distancing at all. Just the usual social strife.

Everyone, say hi to Ken, the one-eyed giant. Ogres do make better lovers.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Scotty smirks at the protesters. Fiona and Bridget shake signs at him. Crowd looks on in confusion and disgust. A one-eyed giant looks confused. Fetch watches.

SCOTTY: Of course, we have naysayers. There is always them that can’t see ‘cept only what’s down at their feet. Not a mile down the road to a bright new future!
FIONA: We can see right through you!
& LYDIA: Speculator! Glorified slumlord!
BRIDGET: No one can afford these places! Only the rich!

PANEL 2: Scotty starts to look irritated. Fiona and Bridget keep arguing. Fetch looks wily at the one-eyed giant.

SCOTTY: Not so. Work hard enough and you, too, could live here.
FIONA: I did live here, you knob! You kicked us out!
BRIDGET: Homewrecker! Destroyer of families!

PANEL 3: Scotty now fully engaged arguing with Fiona and Bridget. Fetch takes the arm of the one-eyed giant (now known as Ken).

SCOTTY: You’re just jealous of my success!
FIONA: Only on the backs of the poor!
FETCH: Say, buddy. Have you seen these new apartments?
KEN: Gosh, no. I hear they’re purty!

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