I hope in the Otherworld that the cops don’t have the kind of surveillance technology our cops do. Then again, they have magic. So who knows?

Speaking of magic, I suppose I should figure out the rules of magic in this world soon enough. It hasn’t come up yet, because there have been more mundane issues like sick parents and gentrification to worry about; but at some point Fetch is going to use magic or get it used on him. My vague running guideline has been that “magic is hard” and “it requires a lot of practice and training”, but I haven’t set any other limits. Throughout most of the run of Fetch, before and during Otherworldly Goods, he has practiced what AS Byatt called “ersatz magic” back when that was the worst thing you could accuse JK Rowling of. (Re-reading that essay, I’m brought back to Scorsese-vs-Marvel arguments over fun-vs-good.) Fetch would wave his hands and voila! we’re on our way to Hell; or KAZAM! he turns a white supremacist into a Confederate soldier statue. One time he waved a cat toy and turned me into a woman. Back then I was playing fast and loose with magic to do political commentary. But now we’re in a world of (loosely) defined magic and the story needs a set of rules to be at least somewhat coherent. So I reckon I oughta work that out. Thank you for attending my Thinking Aloud TED Talk.

Speaking of protests, if you are looking for good anti-racism resources, here are a few things to look into.
  • The Cut advises a variety of actions to take: supporting actions regarding Breonna Taylor, donating to victims families, supporting protesters and bail funds, donating to organizations advocating police accountability and defunding police departments, and a lot more ways to get involved.
  • Katie Couric — no, seriously — has a really good bibliography of articles and books to read, as well as podcasts and movies, for both adults and children.

Do what you can. There is a pandemic going on, so do what is best for your safety and the loved ones you support.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Fetch muses while Fiona dries her hair, the Pixies sit on the couch, and Knob coughs in his fist.

FETCH: Think Scotty will sic the cops on us?
FIONA: Pft! Naw. He’s just lashing out.
BRIDGET: We were just innocent protesters, minding our own business!
KNOB: *cough*

PANEL 2: Knob tries to look innocent, but fails, while Fiona & Pixies look questioningly at him. Fetch grins.

FIONA: Got a cold, Knob?
KNOB: *ahem* No, Fiona. I’m fine. Just, y’know, wonderin’....
FETCH: Knob, it’s okay.

PANEL 3: Knob and Fetch more uncomfortable, Fiona perplexed, Bridget scrutinizing.

KNOB: ...if there mighta been security cameras in the condo.
FIONA: What? Why would you - ?
BRIDGET: Say, I saw those two sneak out the other night.

PANEL 4: Bridget and Fiona narrow their eyes at Knob and Fetch

BRIDGET: All dressed in black they were. Fit for a heist.
FIONA: What did you do?
KNOB: Er...well… We mighta stuffed up the pipes? A little?

PANEL 5: Fiona and Bridget confront Fetch and Knob while some folks in the house gather around them.

FIONA: And you thought that was a good idea, eh?
BRIDGET: What if they track you here? What then?
FETCH: Fiona, Bridget, relax. No one got hurt. Just a little mussed.

PANEL 6: Fetch and Knob close up as they are pelted with questions.

FIONA: Excuse me! I’ve been evicted and jailed enough, thank you!
BRIDGET: It’s not just us! There’s mums and dads and wee ones now, too!
NAIDA: And refugees!
LYDIA: And old folk!

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