It’s about time Fetch put on a jacket and bow tie. He’s been slovenly as of late.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Fetch and Knob look at the crowded house.

FETCH: Speaking of the collective... This is quite the collection.
KNOB: Yeah, more refugees from the civil war in Hades. They’re comin’ in by the truckload now it seems.

Panel 2: Fetch concerned, Knob smiling and confident

FETCH: We were already running out of bed space. Where will we put them?
KNOB: Oh, no worries. Got that sorted, see. We put ‘em in tents in the back.

Panel 3: Knob beckons Fetch to follow him.

FETCH: The backyard?
KNOB: Here, I’ll show you.

Panel 4: Fetch close up. Wide-eyed.


Panel 5: Knob and Fetch look at tents and lean-tos in his backyard. A few refugees from Hades are visible. They are a mix of satyrs, minotaurs, demons, greek heroes, and dwarf-like people. Knob looks proud.

FETCH: This is a shanty town, Knob!
KNOB: Oh yeah! It’s right civilized!

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