“Nothing unites like misery.” Man, put that on my tombstone.

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Fiona strides toward the arguing Hero, Zombie, and Satyr, who is trying to keep the peace.

FIONA: What’s the problem?
ZOMBIE: Racist snob!
HERO: Stinking zombie!
SATYR: Gentlemen! Please!

Panel 2: Fiona holds Hero and Zombie by their collars.

FIONA: That’s enough. You want to fight, take it back to Hades. We’re all on the same side here. Got it?
ZOMBIE: Hmf. I want an apology.
HERO: A hero never apologizes!

Panel 3: Fiona glares into Hero’s eyes.

FIONA: The same side, I said. No room for racists. Y’hear?
HERO: Same side?! I’m from Elysia! The realm of kings and legends!

Panel 4: Fiona folds her arms, the Hero looks off, tears forming in his eyes.

FIONA: Yeah? Why aren’t you there now?
HERO: Wha - I … I had to. My whole town was bombed. I … I fled.

Panel 5: Zombie looks sympathetically at Hero.

ZOMBIE: My village was burned to the ground.

Panel 6: Zombie and Hero embrace, weeping. Fetch and Fiona look on.

HERO: This terrible war! I’m sorry! (SOB!)
ZOMBIE: Brother!
FETCH: Well done.
FIONA: Nothing unites like misery.

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