Thus closes the third chapter of this story. The scene depicted here is near an intersection on East Broadway in Portland, OR, where I lived for three years while developing and drawing this webcomic. The setting for our story is still pre-COVID, “the before times” as people say. But I threw in some plague commentary nonetheless.

I think I am gonna take a week off. As if the pandemic were not stressful enough, we have been dealing with wildfires in the Pacific Northwest. Thankfully fire has not reached my community, but has devastated many towns and cities to my south. The smoke has filled the entire region and is slowly making its way across the country. As I write this, the air quality rating has been either “hazardous” or “very unhealthy” for a week now. Resting and staying inside is highly recommended. I hope you all stay safe and secure and out of harm’s way.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Fetch and Owen walk down E. Broadway in Portland. The sky is overcast as if it had been raining.

OWEN: So how do we get there? Bus?
FETCH: No. Much simpler. We just need a puddle big enough — Here we go!

PANEL 2: Fetch bows, gesturing toward a puddle on the sidewalk. Owen looks doubtfully at it.

FETCH: Step right in.
OWEN: In the puddle?

PANEL 3: Fetch points at puddle, Owen steps forward.

FETCH: This is your gateway to the other side of reality. Trust me.
OWEN: Really? Cool!

PANEL 4: Owen disappears into the puddle. Fetch grins eagerly.

SFX: sploop
FETCH: Wait for me!

PANEL 5: Wide view of sidewalk as Fetch disappears into the puddle.

SFX: plup


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