Last week’s page this week!

I missed the update last week due to a cascading (snowballing?) series of responsibilities that piled up outside of webcomics following the winter storm a few weeks ago. Ten days of disruptions of power, internet access, work and school schedules threw my cartooning routine out of whack. I needed an extra week to get back on track. Now I am, so next week’s strip will arrive on time.

Stay safe and sane, people.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Fetch pours a cup of coffee in his kitchen. Owen speaks from off-panel..

OWEN: So is the faer— I mean, is the Otherworld always like this?
FETCH: An anarchist commune or whatever? Ha! No.

PANEL 2: Fetch drinks his coffee and Owen, holding a can of soda, makes a sour face.

FETCH: We have a king and queen. We have lords and ladies. There’s a peasant class. There’s even real estate development and subcontractors with big corporations from your world.
OWEN: Gross.

PANEL 3: Fetch smiles wryly, leaning back in his chair, one arm draped behind it, while the other hand plays with his coffee.

FETCH: Sorry. I’m bad at public relations.
Look. The Otherworld is big. There’s no one way about it.
We’re in a realm of myths, right? There might be some general types — heroes, monsters, etc., but the details are local.
Here it’s the Seelie courts, elsewhere it’s Annwn, or Mag Mell — or further out, Asgard and Niflheim.

PANEL 4: Fetch leans forward, looking contemplative as he speaks.

FETCH: And it changes all the time. Like people change. They neglect old gods, make new ones.
It might look the same way for a while, but one day you’ll see a sudden shift. It’s all different.
You’ll look back and see all these subtle changes have piled up until you wind up where you are now.
OWEN: Huh.

PANEL 5: Owen smiles ironically, Fetch grins.

OWEN: Are you getting old, Fetch?
FETCH: You’ll see. It’ll happen to you.

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