Fetch’s sense of fashion can be somewhat antiquated — yet snazzy!

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Knob gets a beer from the fridge, overhearing Fetch and Owen speak in the foreground.

OWEN: Are you sure I am safe here?
FETCH: Ah, don’t let Fiona worry you. I can protect ya.

PANEL 2: Knob sits at the table with them. Fetch and Owen look on.

KNOB: You could register him as a resident alien with the Fair Folks Visitors Bureau.
FETCH: The what?

PANEL 3: Knob and Fetch and Owen

KNOB: New office in Finvarra’s court. All them business humans go there for work visas and protection from the king.
FETCH: Huh. Not a bad idea.
OWEN: But I’m not a, uh, “business human.”

PANEL 4: Fetch zaps Owen with a spell

FETCH: Nothing a wardrobe change won’t help!
OWEN: Hey!

PANEL 5: Owen stands in an Edwardian Sack Suit: dark suit, a bowler, and an umbrella. Fetch looks proud.

FETCH: There you go! Now you’re ready for Wall Street! A hungry capitalist ready to take over the world!
OWEN: In 1925 maybe!
KNOB: “I say, old boy, what what!”

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