Too smart for your own good, kid.

↓ Transcript
PANEL ONE: Fetch, Owen, and Pooka watch the undead army march out the castle gates. Owen is still in the courtier’s clothing, but has the mask off.

FETCH: Holy crap. This is not good. I have to tell Knob and Fiona.
OWEN: Why?

PANEL 2: Fetch turns to Pooka.
FETCH: Pooka, can you give us a ride to the Autumn Court? I’ll explain on the way.
POOKA: Uh, sure. I know a shortcut.

PANEL 3: Fetch and Owen ride horse Pooka through a wooded area.

FETCH: My friends protested Scotty’s condos when the plumbing exploded and destroyed them. So he blames my friends.
OWEN: What? Why?

PANEL 4: Fetch explains, still concerned, while Owen gets contemplative.

FETCH: They’re a convenient target to blame for what is really a problem of shoddy construction.
OWEN: Wait. How does plumbing explode? Like, were the pipes clogged up? How badly could they have been clogged?

PANEL 5: Focus pulls back to view Fetch and Owen riding Pooka from behind as they head down a road.

FETCH: Er, well.
OWEN: Like, it sounds like sabotage.
FETCH: Um. Let’s change the subject.

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