So many magic systems to choose from. To be honest, I could not explain how magic works in any of the titles on the shelf show there; aside from the PS4 games Owen plays, there are a few novels: A Hatful of Sky by Terry Pratchett, A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K Le Guin, the Fifth Season by NK Jemisin, WB Yeats’ Irish Folk & Fairy Tales (a resource for this webcomic), and The Hobbit by some guy. There are rules, but some are looser than others. Whatever helps to tell a good story, really.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Fetch puts his arm around Owen’s shoulder and uses the other hand to gesture to the sky.

FETCH: The Otherworld — or “fairyland” or “plain of delight” — has many names. It is a magical place full of enchantment and wonder. Friendly creatures frolic in the forest, the rivers flow around palaces of gold, and music fills the air.
OWEN: Ew. Sounds like Disneyland.

PANEL 2: Fetch laughs, Owen smiles ironically

FETCH: I’m joking. The castles rot, the forests are full of ogre and trolls, and everyone is slightly insane. But the music ain’t bad, and there’s real magic there.
OWEN: Wow. Great. Can’t wait to go.

PANEL 3: Fetch looks at Owen’s shelf of video games. Titles include SkyRim, God of War, Persona 5, The Last of Us, Final Fantasy 15, Assassin’s Creed, Witcher, LEGO Harry Potter. There are also books: A Hatful of Sky, A Wizard of EarthSea, The Fifth Season, The Hobbit, as well as a collection of Irish Folk and Fairy Tales.

FETCH: Hmm. I see you like fantasy games. I could teach you magic. Like real magic.
OWEN: Like pull a rabbit out of a hat?

PANEL 4: Fetch smiles, Owen having an epiphany

FETCH: Rude. More like pull fire from the air, water from the sky, make the earth tremble, turn the sun a blood red.
OWEN: Oh! Are you a bender?

PANEL 5: Fetch confused, Owen explanatory

FETCH: What?
OWEN: Y’know, like Ang in Avatar.

PANEL 6: Fetch, wary, grins; Owen stands up and tosses game controller aside.

FETCH: Um … yes?
OWEN: Okay! Let’s go!

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