This week’s new page arrives a couple of days late. Sorry about that. I have had a hard time sleeping lately, so my whole schedule has been thrown off. And I can’t deny that Wednesday’s riot of Trumpanzees on Capitol Hill had me pretty distracted. It’s hard to get anything done when society is collapsing around you.

Speaking of society, we met the Free Unseelie Collective of Klippe — or “Community” and “Kleppe” as the sign here erroneously has it (copy editor, what copy editor?) — way back at the end of chapter one. Klippe is the term for fairies in Angus (formerly Forfarshire), Scotland, according to the Encyclopedia Mythica. And I may have linked to this before, but Living Liminally has a nice breakdown of the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, which play an important role in Celtic folklore and certainly in this story.

When I have a moment I will correct the “typos” on that sign and update the image. Man, has my brain been all over the place lately.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Fetch and Owen walk through the suburban community full of identical cairn styled homes that borders his property.

OWEN: Cute neighborhood. Do you live here?
FETCH: Cute? It’s a monstrosity! A blight on Fae civilization! A desecration of nature!

PANEL 2: Owen taken aback but somewhat amused. Fetch angry.

OWEN: Not your thing?
FETCH: This wasn’t here when I stayed with you and your dad.
In the last decade developers from the Seelie Courts put up this crap.

PANEL 3: Fetch and Owen on the road to Fetch’s house.

OWEN: “Seelie”?
FETCH: I’ll exposition later.
My place is just around the corner.
You’ll like it. It’s real. I built it myself.
A quiet place of respite from the real wor—

PANEL 4: Fetch’s house. A giant wall made of stone separates Fetch and Owen from the property. A sign on a red gate says “Free Unseelie Collective of Klippe”. Several tents and other structures are seen behind the wall. A huge crowd is milling about in the background.

FETCH: Oh, come on.
OWEN: Nice acronym.

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