Last page of 2020. And how could I not include a rant about going to the store these days?
“Kevin”, my author avatar, has not appeared in Otherworldly Goods much. There was a flashback in Chapter 2: Crude and Feckless when Fetch was explaining to Knob where he had been for the past ten years. I don’t plan for “Kevin” to make many appearances, but checking in on how he deals with the Changeling should be fun. Will he notice the snarky, smelly creature fixated on video games is not his actual son? We shall see.
The church across the street in panel one is the Westminster Presbyterian Church that was indeed across the street from my old apartment. I am not a religious person, but I do love the architecture of old churches. The congregation goes back to 1889, but they did not start building the church until 1912, building it in phases until 1953. It was a very pretty sight to see in the morning before I headed off to work.
Have a lovely new year!
↓ Transcript
PANEL 1: Exterior of Kevin’s apartment. Kevin, wearing a mask, is holding a bag of groceries while unlocking the door. Behind him is the street below, cars, and the church across the street.

SFX: jingle jingle

PANEL 2: Kevin walks in the door with groceries.

KEVIN: Hey, Owen. I’m home!

PANEL 3: Kevin carries groceries behind Changeling, who is squatting on the floor, focused on video games.

KEVIN: You would not believe how crazy the store was. Too many people. No masks. No social distancing. Next time I’m ordering pick up.

PANEL 4: Kevin speaks to the Changeling’s back

KEVIN: I got the chips and soda you asked for. They were out of gummies, tho.

PANEL 5: Focus on Changeling as Kevin talks off-panel.

KEVIN: Christ! When was the last time you bathed? You reek!
CHANGELING: Shut up and give me the chips.

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