How many kids have died in the custody of DHS? Five? Six? That’s only within the last six months. The tales of psychological and sexual abuse coming from detention centers angers me to no end. Despite efforts by US Senators — like Jeff Merkley, one of mine — this human rights outrage continues. When I wrote this page I had naively hoped by the time it appeared on the Web it would be outdated. Alas, it is not.

If I were to draw this page over again, I would add more tents to the bottom panel. The aerial shots of the concentration camps show scores of tents. Other centers are retrofitted old shopping malls and schools. I could have drawn a longer line of children, too. But you get the idea.

↓ Transcript
Knob tries rallying Fetch, who looks despondent

KNOB: What d’ya need humans for? You’re a fae, Fetch!
You been to demon school! You can
show that cockswobble a thing or two.
FETCH: I tried.

Fetch staring into his beer. Trump shadow looms over him.

FETCH: Nothing seemed to work on this guy!
He must have some dark magic protecting him,
some chthonic stuff I never learned.

PANELS 3-4-5
One panel split in three: Fetch comes across an ICE agent apprehending an immigrant child. Fetch casts spell to make agent trip. Child runs free while ICE agent fends off wild beasts.

FETCH: So I changed my tactics. His minions are all pretty oafish,
and cause direct harm, so I thought, “Focus on the goons.”

Fetch stands before a giant holding facility as ICE agents lead families into detention.

FETCH: That saved a few kids and was good for a few laughs. But soon the goons took over the weapons of state. Their power was terrifying.

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